Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great Thanksgiving with Scott's family this year! Scott's mom did a great job (like always)! Kensley got to meet some second cousins, as well as her great-grandpa Vincent. She pretty much slept through most of the dinner, and the boys were too busy playing that they didn't eat much of the meal, but did eat the pies very well! Thanksgiving morning Scott and 18 friends got together for his annual Turkey Bowl, and was sore for the remainder of the weekend. I was able to get most of the Christmas decorations done here at home as well as Scott's office. It's still hard to believe that Christmas is only a little over 3 weeks away!! We also were able to get some Christmas shopping done just the two of us while Scott's parents watched the boys for us! It's amazing how much you can get accomplished when you don't have kids with you! Here are some pictures taken on Thanksgiving...

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