Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Little Miss Hairbows

Kensley posing in some of her many hair accessories!

Okay...are you kidding me with all the hair bows? I started thinking "I don't think I have any pictures of Kensley without some sort of hair accessory on". I think they will become like some sort of security blanket like my boys have with their "snuggles". Oh well...from what I hear, once they get a little older, they won't keep it in their hair, and will rip it out the second you put it on. So I guess I will just enjoy while I can. Plus, they won't go to waste---you may just see me start wearing them once she is done with them :)!

1 comment:

Breklyn said...

Love love love the bows and that darling girl, we need to see her (and you guys too). Been too long! I really need a girly girl someday.